Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lets Talk Poop

Or at least poo stains on diapers.
Let's face it. It happens! And no amount of Clorox bleach will remove the stains, but it will ruin the color of your pretty cotton outers. So what's a girl to do?
Put them in the sun, stained side out!
It's the miracle poop bleach! (Yes I know how odd that sounds!) But it works!
And today, I can not only access the clothes line, it's also clear and sunny! It's cold, but it doesn't have to be warm to work. Which is great!
:::crosses fingers that today's sun is enough:::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a question for you about some of the renovations you have done on your beautiful home (related to older homes and lead paint+children). Would you mind if I emailed you about it?