Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Baby Boy Turned 7 Today

Well, he's 7. Seven. Somewhere between a blink and a sneeze, my oldest son has grown. I don't remember when exactly that he got so tall. Or so smart. I look at him and wonder how we, 2 clueless people, have managed to raise that tiny baby into this child. He is so much his own person. So preciously sweet, and at the same time, so much a boy.
I remember holding him that first time and thinking, "wow! I'm a mom!" I couldn't be a mom without him. He changed my life so much. I've better because of him. He really, truely, is my 'bright gift of God'. He is a treasure beyond worth, and for him, I am forever grateful.
I love you, Xavian! Happy birthday!

Xavian wanted an Amtrak Train cake, so here's what I came up with:

He loved it! Yay!

Like any child, Xavian loves opening presents on his birthday. He got quite the stack!
I only managed to get one or 2 good shts of him actually opening gifts, because he jumped around so much!

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