Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our Easter Eggs Are Awsome! (As Always)

We dyed Easter eggs after dinner tonight with some dye I bought on clearance last year. Wow! The colors are bright! These have to be some of the brightest eggs I have ever dyed!
The kids waiting for Daddy so we could start:

Let the dyeing begin!
J drawing on an egg prior to dying it:

We gave Saxton an egg for him to dye. He got really excited!

He knew the eggs are for eating, so first he tasted the egg:

I held the cup so he could put his egg in, but he tried to drink the dye! I finally got him to drop the egg in, only to have him get mad because he had no egg. So we gave him another and he banged it on the table until it busted open, and then he ate the insides. Little stinker!

I had wrote his name on the egg we did get him to put into the dye, but he really didn't want to take a pic with his egg. Oh well!

Our egg dyeing process included more than just egg dye! Besides the wax crayon, we also had glitter sponge paints. Boy I wish we had these when I was a kid!

Korra showing off a work of egg art in process:

Xavian putting his creative genious at work while plotting, er, planning his next egg:

And finally, our masterpieces!
Can you find the watermelon? The planet Earth? The dinosaur egg? The 'ugly' egg?

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