Sunday, November 1, 2009


The decorating bug has bit. Again.
Or is it a SQUEEEEEEE! ?
Either way, it looks like the mudroom is to be painted pumpkin orange (a plan long in the works), and the batheroom will have milk chocolate coated walls. I'm going to paint the cabinetry in the bathe a fresh coat of white, dry brush on some antique white, and then rub on a gold gilt on the cabinet doors' edges. Maybe I'll treat the linen closet door and the inside of the batheroom door the same. We'll see. The trim is getting a fresh coat of white as well. I'm keeping the glass handles and knobs. I wonder what a handpainted gold border of scrollwork would look like at the hight of the walls...
Of course, all be done by Thanksgiving, so as to not hinder my Christmas decorating the next weekend.
Is there a support group for habits like this? Do they come and help you paint?
At least the wall space is actually pretty small in both spaces. They just need something new. And to look like our home, not the former owners.
I wonder if J & I can find money in the budget for new batheroom towels....

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