Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fluff Alert!

Since We've ventured into the amazing land on cloth diapers (CDs), Saxton & I have tried and loved or dispised oodles of dipes.

These are the amazing dipes we love:

Artsy Fartsy FooFoo (this woman is amazingly talented! Her quality control is above and beyond. She is a licensed KCK One designed diaper maker)

Wild Oats Designs (we have a fitted that is not only super functional, but also simply beautiful)

We want to try:

Good Mamas (Fitted diapers that are supposed to be AMAZING-we shall see!)

Olive Jane Covers (Drool drool drool! Covers like these are going to put baby denim out of business!)

Sheepy Time Knits (Woolies this beautiful should be on every baby! The wait list is loooooooooong. Perhaps someday!)

The perfect CD companions:

Crunchy Clean Laundry Detergent (My laundry room smells like spiced pumpkin and my diapers and clothes are soooooo clean!)

Hippy's Diaper Dust (This woman is beyond sweet and kind! This pail freshener is a must for both CD's & 'sposies! Double duties as a carpet freshener too!)

And because I've decided every post must include a picture, here's some fluffy butt!

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